Hi Ho fellow plant lover!

My name is Molly and I’m a fourth year majoring in Evolution and Ecology with a minor in Forestries, Fisheries, and Wildlife. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio and was lucky enough to grow up next to some amazing metroparks that were my introduction to the outdoors. I’ve always been a kid in love with and fascinated by nature, and nothing felt more right to do in college than follow that passion. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, playing and coaching volleyball, and learning how to identify the plants and animals around me. Recently, I’ve gotten into birding, and my favorite bird is the Green Heron as pictured in my coat of arms; I just love how goofy they look and spotting one is always so exciting. I’ve loved the feeling of walking through a natural space and recognizing the birds around me, and I can’t wait to become more familiar with plants through this course!

This semester, I hope to garner a deeper understanding of plant life, both scientifically and otherwise. I want to understand the processes by which plants live and the names that western science has given them along with an appreciation for the amazing things these little creatures are able to do. As autotrophs, plants do the work of converting sunlight into sugar and providing the basis everything we need in life. From food to oxygen, plants build the foundation for our existence. Throughout this course, I aim to keep that in mind and continue to learn about and be grateful for plants.

Pictured in my header are turkey tail mushrooms (I think, correct me if I’m wrong!) and moss that I found on a dead log over a stream in Highbanks Metropark. No, they’re not plants, but I think they’re pretty darn cool anyway.